[1] Shi Guodong, Fang Jiang, Hu Mingmao*, and Xiang Haijing. Prediction of fuel consumption of heavy commercial vehicles based on random forest. 2022 11th International Conference on Transportation and Traffic Engineering (ICTTE 2022), 已录用. [2] Zhongcheng Fu, Aihong Gong, Ziwen Liao Mingmao Hu* et al. Anti-rollover Control of Heavy-duty Dump Truck with Distributed Model Predictive Control[J]. Int. J. Heavy Vehicle Systems, 已录用,SCI期刊,中国汽车工程学会,T2期刊. [3] Zhongcheng Fu, Mingmao Hu*, Qinghe Guo et al. Research on Integrated Control of Tripping Anti-Rollover for Heavy Dump Trucks[J]. Int. J. Heavy Vehicle Systems, SCI期刊,中国汽车工程学会,T2期刊. [4] Zhongcheng Fu, Mingmao Hu*, Qinghe Guo et al. Research on Anti-Rollover Warning Control of Heavy Dump Truck Lifting Based on Sliding Mode-Robust Control[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, SCI期刊,中国汽车工程学会,T2期刊. [5] 付众铖, 郭庆贺, 胡明茂等. 基于模型预测控制的重型自卸车差动制动防侧翻控制研究[J]. 制造业自动化, 已录用,中文核心期刊. 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[12]胡明茂,聂和愉,付众铖. 某商用车驾驶员区域H点舒适域评价分析[J]. 机械设计与制造,已录用,CSCD核心期刊. [13]陈鑫,胡明茂*.基于粒子群优化算法的PID控制防抱死制动系统研究,必威betway中文官网学报,已录用。 [14]廖子文,宫爱红,胡明茂*,基于MPC的重型自卸车防侧翻控制研究,机械科学与技术,已录用,CSCD核心期刊。 [15] Guan Q, Gong A, Hu M*, et al. Anti-Rollover Warning Control of Dump Truck Lifting Operation Based on Active Suspension[J]. Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems, 2021, 32(1): 109-119.SPRINGER,EI期刊。 [16] Sun Y, Gong Q, Hu M*, et al. Multi-Objective Optimization of Workshop Scheduling with Multiprocess Route Considering Logistics Intensity[J]. Processes, 2020, 8(7): 838.SCI 期刊。 [17] Hu M, Sun Y, Gong Q, et al. Multi-Objective Parameter Optimization Dynamic Model of Grinding Processes for Promoting Low-Carbon and Low-Cost Production[J]. Processes, 2020, 8(1): 3.SCI 期刊。 [18] Hu, Mingmao, et al. "Sales switching decision to the online platform of liquefied petroleum gas enterprise with asymmetric information." 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